
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups

The First Rouge Zucchini From the Garden

I dont know if you have ever grown Zucchini in your garden but but if you have you know that there is always that one that gets away from you.  One Zucchini that appears out of no where and is HUGE!  So what do you do with it?

I have always gone with the old standby, zucchini bread.  Similar to banana bread.  It is moist and has all the fall flavors but I wanted to try something new this year.  How about slicing it like noodles and making lasagna with it!  I was super excited to try this and I am glad to say it turned out FABULOUS!

Here is what you need to do it too!

Zucchini Lasagna

1 oversized Zucchini
cheese of some kind (I used cheddar and Parmesan)
cottage or Ricotta Cheese
ground meat of your choice
italian seasoning
1 small can tomato paste
1 can black olives

This is just what I used in mine.  This is really a 'use whatever you have in your pantry' kind of dinner.  I didn't have ricotta so I used cottage cheese, and I didn't have mozzarella so I used cheddar.   You know, since you never know when you are going to get a rouge zucchini.

1st slice your zucchini with a mandolin (or thinly with a knife.)

Brown the ground meat
cook onion and garlic with your ground meat

 When the meat is brown add the black olives and tomato paste.

season to your liking (I used these, everyday seasoning, italian seasoning, salt and pepper)

Lay one slice of zucchini on a plate and place the meat mixture on top

place a couple dolups of cottage cheese on top

finish with a sprinkle of cheese

now roll up and place in your 13x9 inch pan.

and repeat...

and repeat...

and repeat...

and repeat...

Now place in the oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Until your finally done!  I added some parmesan to the top just because it is delicious!

And done!  A delicious healthy lasagna that you are going to love, AND it used up that GIANT zuch you had too!

Quick tip:  if you have a piece or two that the stuffing seems to fall right through, just double them up or use and outside piece to cover the middle section, this will seal it up nicely!

Happy eating!

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